Friday, December 13, 2013

Think about it

Oh this life. This society. Look what it does!

We are so bored with peeing and pooping that we have to pull out our phone to just kill the time while our bowels move. No no, forget the notion of there being any fascination with the fact that we put food in ourselves, and in all of its complexity and wonder, it gives us strength and energy, leaving us as waste. No appreciation whatsoever.

So what am I talking about here? Am I suggesting that we should have rejuvenated sense of awe in our pee and poop? Maybe. I mean, it's the thought that counts right? 

What about the distance that civilization has gone to where tiny fractions of a percentage of people even know how the fundamentals of our technology works? If it were to all go away, do you know someone who could re-invent and build your LCD TV for you? Restart cell phones and wi-fi services? Hell, even build a combustible engine for a car? Who? You sir? No, I think not. You are but a small, insignificant person.

Now "What is he blathering about?" you say. "Is he saying that we all need to learn fundamental mechanics and take apart our cell phones and iPads to see what pieces there are?" Of course I'm not. Besides, those little chunks of metal are wired with microscopic precision and hold data. They aren't just bits of metal. The solution in such a scenario would be to rebuild the robots and computers that design such things. And all of this isn't my point either. 

My point is that there are poor folks. Yes, people...millions of them without such distractions and devices. People that truly know suffering and would long to have the boredom that our society has created for us. We have much, and there are so many out there with too little. With this Advent Season, or for you lay-minions, Holiday Season, think about those less fortunate for just a few minutes. Ponder their troubles. Forget why they are there and who's fault it is. Do you not feel compassion? Do you feel no sympathy for them? Any desire to help? Whoa, any selfish want of self-righteousness that at least compels you to "be a better person" or want to be seen doing something for the betterment of human kind? 

Think about that while you drone through your routine of working all day, doing whatever needs to be done to call it "work", driving back on your commute, making yourself your worn-out chicken and vegetable dish, and watching perpetual seasons of scummy unoriginal television shows until upon the edge of drooling yourself to sleep you fall into bed...only to start the routine again the next day. Think about that! Don't be molded by society, mold yourself. Unless, you are like, totally okay with the former.

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