Friday, December 2, 2011

Uhh Whiskey...

Though I'm not used to much merry-making these days in The District, my office recently "inherited" a stock of left over spirits from an event last night.  One was a bottle of single malt whiskey, which comes from the Laphroaig distillery located on a British Isle called Islay, just north of Ireland and southwest of Scotland.

I've never been a huge whiskey guy, I know, shame on me, but then again it isn't like I have EVER turned down a shot or glass of it either.  I just prefer other spirits.  I'm not apologizing to you.

This 10 year old scotch comes from a pretty rich history you can read all about here if you are interested, but the reason I am writing about this is because of the pure serendipity of how I have come to be enjoying a glass right now.  And don't worry I'm not spoiling this with a Coke, drinking game, or a bias against the wretched Tudor and Windsor houses of England. 

Besides, I'm convinced that the Laphroaig 10 Year Single Malt Scotch deserves no less than to be sipped gingerly.  The whole event has to be handled like that first time with a girl you really like.  You can't screw it up, and you are working feverishly to put forth a good impression, and at least masking that you are actually caring about her boundaries and alluding to the idea that you are in it for what she likes.  

But unlike a girl...well maybe...this beverage has a peaty flavour to it.  It's definitely rich and has a good smooth bite to it that one would hope for.  Okay, maybe like a girl.  But I recommend this, and though I don't have a super selection of whiskeys that I have had to reference with, I'd still give this spirit a strong 7 out of 10 on taste. 

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