Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Mmmm Beer

My good pal Brooks and I just bought our home brewing kit from, hopefully the supplies will have arrived by the time I get back home to Texas for the holidays.

I'm super psyched about this for several reasons:

1) Brooks, Tim, and I have been looking for some sort of off-the-path business venture to get into now that we have all been smacked by the reality that we probably can't fulfill our dreams of being vigilantes, pirates, and professional board-game players.

2) Playing alchemist is a good way for us to learn a craft.  Beer brewing has been around for at least 10,000 years, and evidence of its making is evidenced in nearly every corner of the world.  Man has a passion for beer, and so do we.  Why not learn this solely for the purpose of going in on a hobby?

3) We are aware that we have to be creative and come up with a process and recipe for something that no one else does.  Developing something unique is an idea worth writing home about and something to be proud of.  We know it may be hard to replicate a beer after we have made it through trial and error, but life is often about learning and progressing deductively.

4) It will be fun!  With either success or failure for each batch, we will yield beer that shall be drank...please tell me the problem with that!

The issue now, is once we have our kits, what beer should we make?  We are of course eager to make anything, just because we can, but our other selves will be biting at us to be cautious and calculating so we can find our niche.  We need to come up with a consensus for a style and process that we can feel good about, and feel confident that other people will enjoy. 

Nevertheless, the first step has been made, cheers!

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