The YellowTail Pale Ale isn't awful, just like cookies with raisins aren't awful. There's some good in there, but the fact that some squirrel dick put raisins in an otherwise delicious cookie, ruins a good thing. I'll add to the fact that Ballast Point mislabeled their beer:
- The YellowTail is made with German hops used in a typical Kölsch.
- The beer uses German malts to create the 11-16 range gravity defined for a Kölsch.
- This "Pale Ale" is warm-fermented and then cold-conditioned...guess what...just like a Kölsch.
This is a Kölsch in my mind. It tastes like a Kölsch. I like typing Kölsch. So go Kölsch yourself. I don't know if Ballast Point would name their Kölsch after a fish. For some reason a pale ale is fitting for a fish...maybe because it's more bitter. But this isn't bitter.
The YellowTail is having an identity crisis. But you will be disappointed if you were actually hoping for an ale. So, go on, drink this lie of a beer. Just like those raisin cookie inventors are lying treat-bakers.